Oh my word. I've been home a week!! My how time flys by when your having fun! NOT. Holy cow! Getting back "in the groove" has proven to be more difficult than I imagined. Yes, everyone has said "it always feels like that" after a vacation, but even though Nashville was a vacation, my time there was more like living there for a week since I didn't stay in a hotel and I was around locals. For the past week EVERYTHING has reminded me of Nashville. At work I've probably typed in 15-20 people's addresses who are from Nashville, and of course every song on the radio reminds me of my trip. I swear it's like a bad break up.. I was so caught up in planning the trip, getting ready for the trip, being on the trip, enjoying the trip, coming home from the trip, unpacking from the trip (which I've only done a little of) that it's truely like a break up! It's all I've really thought about since January, and now, I don't have anything to day dream about or prepare for, other than my 25th birthday. Seriously.. I've had a love affair with Nashville, and I'm having to quit cold turkey. Friday night I went out to Flying Saucer, went to the one in Nashville 2 times while I was there, so I went just to get the drink I like and their chips & salsa. Ridiculous!
On another note (sorta) haha Keith Urban is coming to Columbia TOMORROW & on a last minute whim I bought tickets. I had a promo code so I got a great deal on lower level seats. Hey, if I can't be in Nashville & a piece of Nashville is coming to Cola, I WILL take part. I just couldn't pass it up! :) Hi, I'm Morgan and I'm addicted to Country Music. Geeze! Very excited to see him live (again) last week was just a tease to make me want to go! Plus cutie Jake Owen (who I also saw live last week) will also be there! :D Very Excited!
Alright, I know I have YET to "finish" this blog from my trip. I had an extremely busy weekend trying to get stuff around the house accomplished, a 4yr old bday party, a baby dedication, some family time, father's day and a wedding. Whew! I have NOT had time to go through my pictures and decide which are good enough to post. Also, I need to finish the recap of the trip in writing before I forget what all happened. :) I may get to it tonight.. if not, sometime this weekend for sure! Maybe going back through pictures will ease the pain of the "breakup" ok.. probably not. :)
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